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binio is the general base class, containing important method, type and variable declarations. As a user, you normally do not need it directly, expect for scoping types and variables to it.

Header file: binio.h

Public methods:

The constructor.
The destructor.
void setFlag(Flag f, bool set = true)
Is used to set or erase flags to change the behaviour of the stream. Available flags and their meaning are listed in the types table for this class, below. The optional argument set is used to set or erase the specified flag. If it is not specified, it defaults to true, setting (activating) the specified flag.
bool getFlag(Flag f)
Returns whether the specified flag is set (active) or not. Refer to setFlag, above, for more information.
Error error()
Returns the current error status of the stream. A status of no error is always indicated with a value of 0, as to allow easy error checks with a simple if construct.
bool eof()
A convenience method, returning whether the current stream position is at the end of the stream. Synonymous to checking if the value of a call to error() equals Eof.
virtual void seek(long, Offset = Set)
Abstract virtual method for seeking into streams. Implemented by the stream layer. The first argument specifies the relative position to seek to. Use a negative value to seek backwards. The optional second argument specifies from where to start seeking. Set specifies the beginning of a stream, Add specifies the current position and End specifies the end of the stream. If it is omitted, it defaults to Set, seeking from the beginning of the stream.
virtual long pos()
Abstract virtual method that returns the current position inside the stream. Implemented by the stream layer.

Protected methods:

Float pow(Float base, signed int exp)
Is a stripped-down version of the pow() function from the math.h standard C math library include file. It is used during conversion between floating-point formats and can calculate powers of a floating-point base argument, using a signed integer exponent.

Public data types and variables:

enum Flag
Enumeration of all defined stream flags that can be set using the setFlag() and getFlag() methods. This type defines the following values:
If set, sets the stream's byte-ordering to big endian notation. Otherwise, little endian notation is used.
If set, all floating-point access to the stream will assume IEEE-754 standardized floating-point numbers. Only this type of data is expected from and written to the stream.

If your architecture does not support IEEE-754 floating-point numbers, the value will be converted. Various conversion errors can occur and sometimes the conversion is not possible at all. In this case, the Unsupported error is issued and a specific value is returned. The following table summarizes all possible return codes for certain problematic values:

Real value Return value
Infinity 1.0
-Infinity -1.0
Not a Number (NaN) 0.0

Both positive and negative zero (0) are mapped to the same zero value, if your architecture does not support both positive and negative zeroes. There is no way to distinguish between the two values in this case.

enum Error
Enumeration of all possible error values, returned from the error() method. This type defines the following values:
No error at all. This is always mapped to an integer value of 0.
An unspecified, fatal error occured. This error is issued only if something really strange happened (i.e. on internal logic errors in the library, or if something else, undefined happens, etc.). It is advised to immediately terminate any binary stream I/O activity and fail with an error message to the application user, maybe even terminate the application itself.
You tried to access stream data in an unsupported way. This error is issued whenever an (explicit or implicit) conversion between two types of data storage is requested, that isn't supported by libbinio yet.
The stream, you tried to access, is not open yet.
Access to this stream is denied. This error is normally issued when you try to open a file on a filesystem, but you have insufficient rights to access it.
The end of the stream has been reached. Issued at the last byte in a stream.

enum Offset
Specifies the position inside a stream, from where a seek is started with the seek() method. This type defines the following values:
Start seeking at the beginning of the stream.
Start seeking from the current position in the stream.
Start seeking from the end of the stream.

enum FType
Specifies what type of floating-point number is to be accessed next, using the readFloat() or writeFloat() methods. Most floating-point formats specify multiple data types to support a broader range of precision. libbinio generalizes the idea by categorizing them only into single and double precision numbers. This type defines the following values:
Access a single precision floating-point number.
Access a double precision floating-point number.

Protected data types and variables:

The largest integer type supported by the architecture.
The largest floating-point type supported by the architecture.
This type is always one byte (8 bits) wide.
Type to hold a flag variable, containing the status of all flags of a stream.
Flags my_flags
This variable holds the current status of all flags for the stream.
static const Flags system_flags
This variable holds the status of the flags, defining the standard behaviour of the system. This is determined once at runtime, at startup of the library.
Error err
This variable holds the error status of a stream.